
Trusted OpenStreetMaps (TOSM)

Trusted OpenStreetMaps (TOSM)

A low-cost map alternative from a leader in maps

TOSM is an economical and feature-rich immersive map experience for turn-by-turn navigation systems. By cleaning, enhancing and integrating 3rd party data into OpenStreetMaps our team creates an economical turn-by turn navigation solution.

The end result is a map that can be added to any automotive product or connected car environment and it includes automatic map updates, real-time traffic, and integrated content.

Additionally, our customers can license a comprehensive combined navigation and mapping solution which includes our navigation, mapping, and search engines.

Our History

The team at Comtech has been providing mapping and navigation solutions around the world for over 10 years. We provide white label options to the organization we work with such as mobile network operators, mobile phone and automobile manufacturers. Our customers receive not only an economical product, but also a complete navigation solution with a highly qualified professional services team for support!

  • Features
  • Use Cases
  • Related Materials


  • HD and feature-rich 3D immersive maps
  • Forward/Reverse geocoding
  • Custom layers
  • Real-time traffic
  • Auto and pedestrian modes
  • Supports over 80 countries
  • Enhanced OSM data
  • Enhanced Local Search

Use Cases

Location display in numerous applications:

  • Consumer navigation applications
  • People/asset tracking
  • Emergency services
  • Transportation


Trusted OpenStreetMaps (TOSM) Download PDF

For additional product details or if you have questions, please contact us.