
In The News

In The News

3 industries besides telecom that will be revolutionized by the Location of Things

The widespread smartphone revolution of the past decade-plus has made almost every tech user's lives simpler:  

Mobile Location Detection Rules are Changing

Solution Brief on RF Signature Based Detection and Positioning:  

As-a-Service Model is Key for Large-Scale Deployments of Indoor Location Services

Explore Indoor Location as-a-Service Business Model:  

5G and Location Services

5G is coming soon. Location technology and business capabilities will never be quite the same afterwards:  

Comtech Enterprise Technologies Promotes Skip Hines to Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

We are incredibly excited to announce that Skip Hines has been promoted to Enterprise Technologies’ new Chief Technology Officer (CTO):  

Three Vital Uses for Precise Indoor Location

To understand the usefulness of technology that pinpoints a precise indoor location, consider the simplest examples:  

The Surprising Ways Location Services and Network Communications Improve Our Every Day Lives

Many people think of location as a tool used for driving - they often refer to it as "GPS":  

Smart Lighting-as-a-Service

Connected Lighting and Value-Added Location Services:  

Why Design with Open-Source Maps?

Open Street Maps are computerized maps developed with information sourced from the crowd:  

IoT And The Power of Where

As seen in CIO Applications Europe: